Third Party Reporting

Have you been sexually assaulted? Are you reluctant to go to police?

If so, you may be interested in Third Party Reporting — a simple and anonymous way to report the assault.

Sexual assault survivors hesitate to file a police report for many different reasons. The decision to report can be difficult, especially if the survivor knows the person who committed the assault or can’t remember what happened.

What is Third Party Reporting?

Benefits of Third Party Reporting?

After Third Party Reporting

*Note: In some serious circumstances, police must intervene, such as when there’s a risk of significant harm to the health or safety of the public or a person OR when a child needs protection.

When can Third Party Reporting not be used?

Sexual assault is one of the most under-reported crimes. As such, when violent sexual predators are operating in or across certain areas, police often have little or no information to aid them in protecting citizens.

Third Party Reporting increases leads on sexual predators and repeat offenders, while empowering survivors of sexual violence with an additional reporting option.

If you need support, please reach out to our Sexual Assault Response Program (SARP).

Call our SARP helpline or email. SARP offers practical and emotional support, information, referrals, safety planning, court support and assistance with the criminal justice system, coping skills, and practices of self-care. SARP offers an empowering, supportive, and safe space to talk about your experiences of violence and sexual assault.

We support survivors of recent and historic sexual assault from a compassionate and client-centred perspective.

Get the Support You Need

This service is free and confidential

Local Sexual Assault Response helpline (250) 931.7712
Toll-free Sexual Assault Response helpline 1.833.946.1706