How to Donate

Donate Via Cheque

Islanders Working Against Violence
#20 – 132 Corbett Rd.
Salt Spring Island, BC
V8K 1Z8
Charity # 89952 7279

Donate Stocks

Donate with e-Transfer

Please send your transfer to admin[at]
Complete contact information in the notes of the email transfer or in an additional email.
We'll provide a tax receipt for any donation over $20.00

Transition House

The Transition House is always in need of:

  • New nightwear for women and children
  • New underwear & socks for women and children
  • Slippers and robes
  • New brushes, combs and toiletries (unscented)

Currently seeking clean new or used magazines for collage projects with clients.

Transitions Thrift Store

The Transitions Thrift Store welcomes:

  • Donations of gently used clothing and household items. 

Please see our Thrift Store web page for further details of acceptable items and donation procedures.

 All of the proceeds from the Thrift Store are used to support all of our outreach, counselling, crisis line, transition house and second stage house.


Country Grocer Save-A-Tape

Save the cash register tape from your grocery purchase and put these receipts into the IWAV Box #29 on your way out!

Country Grocer donates a percentage of your purchase total to IWAV.